Updated Sticker Tiers

The sticker packs for ZAGS have been updated from "five random stickers" to this fixed set of seven ZAGS character stickers (Adam, Carlos, Malik, Nate, Chris, Jake, and the Adam and Carlos duo sticker):

The deluxe pack includes the shown cardboard coaster as well. This change impacts all ZAGS physical reward tiers that include stickers, including the magnet and signed print tiers.

If you're interested in the old, random sticker sets, or if you've already purchased ZAGS and are interested in the new sticker set, please contact me at bobcgames (at) gmail.com

We also have one last wooden coaster set available as well. It comes with a signed Adam print and the new set of ZAGS stickers.

Remember that a bunch of other YAGS-universe swag is also available, and keep your eyes peeled for upcoming additional sticker sets for ADTF and ZRWP.

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