June 2022 Devlog - Minigames

June 2022 Devlog

June's been a fairly unproductive month, for many reasons, but mostly because the day job has been extremely busy and (of course) the world has been exploding.


  • No progress this month


Next Month (TODOs)

  • Clean up Adam's minigame
  • Add Carlos' second minigame
  • Add backgrounds to CG gallery

The next month or two may be even less productive than usual, since Deev and I are collaborating on a project for Yaoijam that'll pull both of us away from AAGS progress. On the plus side, a couple of the sprites from that project may make it into AAGS since it'll be a (free) AAGS-related game.

More to come, with apologies for the slower-than-expected progress.

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